Friday, January 4, 2013

Have to start somewhere

New Years Resolutions.  Let's be real, almost everyone makes them, almost no one sticks to them.  And the people who do stick to them, well I doubt they last all year.

So here's my vow, my vow to change myself in 2013.  Not because it's a new year, just simply because I need to change.  And what better way to ensure that I stick to it, then to post it on the internet for the world to see.

So here it goes, my list of plans to change myself this year.

1) Get healthy
Yup, in the season of packed gyms and everyone's goal towards health, I jumping on the bandwagon.  But seriously, I mean it.  I've meant it every year for the past five or so, but this time I'm really ready to prove it to myself (and everyone else out there snickering at all of us making this resolution).  Hell, I was able to lose enough weight and have enough willpower to fit into my bridesmaids dress, why not continue it into the whole year?

My Plan?
--Gym trips three times a week, home work outs twice.
--Sticking to my healthy eating, over-planning diet.
--WATER WATER WATER...and maybe more water. I'm talking 70 oz a day people.

2) Get mentally healthy
LOL, I've needed it for far too long. So here is goes.
--Church once a month
--Learning to meditate
--When I get negative thoughts, expressing them in written word, not letting them eat me up
--Giving myself tasks to keep myself busy in free time.

3) Keep organized
You heard me right, TO DO LISTS.  But also, keeping my house and the brat organized, because I can't be organized if I'm living in chaos. And lets be real, I've been living in some serious chaos.

4) No more nervous habits
See ya never, split ends.  Enough said.

5) Be more productive at work

6) Take better care of myself
Here's to waking up 3 hours before my shift starts to ensure I look like a decent human.  Hello, I worded it nicely.  But let's be real, I mean it as shallowly as possible.  Making myself look better.  Becoming obsessed with physical appearance, yeah buddy.

So we're already like what, four days into the new year.  And so far, I've been lazy as fuck.  But it starts now.  And now, I am INCREDIBLY sore from my Jillian Micheals 30 day shred, peeing constantly, hungry as all get out.  But, my meals are prepared for the next three days, I have a chore chart to stick to and Im getting ready to pack my gym bag for after work.  Also, I am looking for second jobs to keep my busy on my days off (not to mention bulk up my wallet.) BOOM.

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